22 January Man

I've had this written down for quite some time actually. It wasn't supposed to have a title, I suck at title making for my poems, but I thought this one needs a title to catch a particular individual's attention. Whether or not I managed to get his attention, I felt really good after writing this down.


22 January Man

No need to wonder where it all began
It started when I knew
You're a 22nd January man
And you never did have a clue

Back then your brows furrowed
Smiles are precious 
Laughs rarely followed
But you were never pretentious

Now you're clutching your camera
Taking picture perfect moments
Each one a panorama
Without ever losing focus

Time flies and I know
You're there and I'm here
And it's too late to show
But every once in a year

You and I will be...
On the 22nd January.

Adlin's Birthday Present: No Title

Dear Adlin,

I wish I could've written something better. Happy Birthday! 

P.S: I like when my poems rhyme. 
P.S.S: For your next birthday, I'll write a better poem, sing it, and play 'Happy Birthday' on the violin for you. Look forward to it. *Kedip-kedipin mata*


The horizon embraces you
with its many secrets
Always calling, never stopping
to make you travel

Sunset, and you're on another avenue
On your way to make more portraits
of calming seas, and perhaps while writing...'The Never-Ending' (story)
in a place where it is peaceful

Let the soul and the physique travel as one
Over mountains, over valleys
Through jungles and picturesque estuaries
To find that one (of several) truth

That whenever or wherever you go, home is where the heart is.