My Fulbright Journey – Part 8

I’m so behind with writing this whole series! I promised that I would write more during winter break, but I was too busy having so much fun, which I will talk about in another post! But for now, I still need to share about my journey to arrive in the U.S. using the Fulbright scholarship!

Capek ah, bahasa Inggris :D

Well, ditahap ini ada dua hal yang menjadi perhatian: (1) Urusan visa dan (2) Packing. JANGAN SEKALI-KALI MEMANDANG ENTENG PACKING! Saya bahkan packing dua bulan sebelum keberangkatan. Tetapi, sebelum kita bicara tentang packing, saya akan berbagi sedikit tentang urusan visa yang juga cukup mendebarkan.

Pertama-tama, seperti biasa Anda akan mendengar kabar dari AMINEF. Seharusnya pada tahap ini, teman-teman juga sudah mendengar kabar dari universitas yang Anda daftari melalui AMINEF. Ingat ya, jangan menghubungi pihak universitasnya langsung. Bila ada pertanyaan, hubungilah pihak AMINEF terlebih dahulu. Jika ternyata pihak universitas menghubungi Anda secara langsung, forwardlah email tersebut kepada AMINEF. Pokoknya jangan sampai ada miskomunikasi antara Anda, AMINEF, dan pihak universitas.

Please give me suggestions!

Dear Readers,

I have been receiving a lot of page views lately. Perhaps because it's the so-called 'scholarship hunting' season? Well, I do hope that my blog posts have been useful for you so far. I'm also trying very hard to write more new posts. I'm currently preparing the 8th post for the 'My Fulbright Journey' series. So please look forward to that!

In the meantime, please give me suggestions on the topics that I should post about. As I get more readers, I want to write more for you guys. Not just because I really want to procrastinate and ignore the fact that I have 3 papers due next week (Warning: Anak baik jangan ditiru ya...LOL).

Please take a minute to vote on the following poll. If you have topic(s) that wasn't included in the poll, feel free to comment below! Your input is greatly appreciated.


Salam hangat dari Ames, Iowa yang saat ini -19C #curhat

What topics would you like me to write about?
More on your Fulbright journey, please!
Life in the U.S.
Travel in the U.S.
Random stuff about your life/thoughts
English Language Teaching related stuff
Other (Please write it in the comments section!)
Poll Maker

Searching for Courses, Universities, and Scholarships!

Hello dear readers!

I am finally uploading something again! And if it wasn’t for the fact that this is actually an assignment for this course that I am currently taking (Multimedia in Professional Communication), I might not post anything until next month during spring break! But hey, here is a new post in video format!

Hopefully this video will be able to help you in your ‘adventure’ to pursue a degree abroad. Go ahead and click that play button! You know you want to! *Wink*